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logoff Command Tutorial

logoff Command Tutorial

logoff command is used to log off from the current Windows session from the command line. logoff command can be used for command prompt, MS-DOS, or cmd.exe as all of them are the same. logoff command can be also used to logoff different users from the remote desktop sessions. logoff command is available for all … Read more

Windows Runas Command- Execute Programs with Different User Account

Windows Runas Command- Execute Programs with Different User Account

runas is a special command which is used to run or execute applications with different permissions and users. The application will be executed differently from the current user or login user. Runas first provided with the Windows Vista operating system and later adopted to all modern Windows operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows … Read more

How To Change Directory In Command-Line or cmd?

How To Change Directory In Command-Line or cmd?

Windows is not popular with its command-line interface currently but provides the command-line interface for some basic tasks. Windows command line can be used to navigate files and directories by changing the current working directory. The cd (Change Directory) command is used to change directories. There are also helper commands like popd and pushd which … Read more

What Version Of Windows Do I Have?

What Version Of Windows Do I Have?

Windows is the most popular desktop operating system which is also used for other platforms like servers, tablets, smartphones, rugged devices, etc. Microsoft releases new Windows operating systems versions for about 4-5 years and publishes updates every month. If you as yourself “What version of Windows do I have?” please continue reading where we will … Read more

What Is Windows Command Prompt?

What Is Windows Command Prompt?

The command prompt is the Windows operating systems command-line interpreter which is available for all of the modern Windows operating systems. Command prompt is the generic name where there are also alternative names like cmd.exe, MS-DOS, etc even they are different than command prompt but related to the command prompt. cmd.exe is the interpreter executable … Read more

Windows cmd.exe (Command Interpreter) Tutorial

Windows cmd.exe (Command Interpreter) Tutorial

cmd.exe is an executable file that is provided with all modern Microsoft windows Operating systems in order to interpret commands. The cmd name comes from the command and is also named as Windows Command Processor . Another alternative name is MS-DOS where Microsoft DOS commands can be interpreted and executed via cmd.exe. As its extensions … Read more

How To Comment In Batch File?

How To Comment In Batch File?

Batch files are used to automate command execution and tasks by creating a file with MS-DOS or PowerShell commands. But mainly the MS-DOS commands are popular with the batch file. While creating batch files or batch script some comments will be helpful to explain and detail the script or commands. In this tutorial, we will … Read more

“netsh winsock reset” – Reset Network Winsock In Windows

"netsh winsock reset" - Reset Network Winsock In Windows

Winsock is a technology and network software which manages the sockets, ports in Windows operating systems. If some problems occur in the network one of the solutions is resetting the winsock in Windows. The netsh winsock reset command is generally executed when the Winsock2 is corrupted and not working properly. This Winsock2 corruption can occur … Read more

“ipconfig /registerdns” – Register Hostname To Active Directory (AD)

"ipconfig /registerdns" - Register Hostname To Active Directory (AD)

As an IP and network management command ipconfig provides different parameters. ipconfig /registerdns is a command which is mainly used to create or update the hostname or A/AAA record in an Active Directory environment. As the parameter name suggests that it will register the computer into a general and public DNS server but it’s not. … Read more

“ipconfig /renew” – Renew IP Address In Windows

"ipconfig /renew" - Renew IP Address In Windows

Windows IP and network configuration can be displayed and managed with the ipconfig command from the command-line. Specifically, the ipconfig /renew command is used to reset or renew IP addresses in a Windows system. The following instructions can be applied to all modern Windows versions like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and … Read more