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How To Create a New Folder On Desktop In Windows?

Folders and directories are used to organize all data, files, and folders in Windows operating system. The folders are the most used user component in Windows. A folder mat contains a text file, PowerPoint presentation, another folder, mp3 file, movie file, etc. Desktop is a special folder dedicated to a user which is displayed as GUI. When the user login to Windows the Desktop and its contents are displayed on the screen. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a new folder on Desktop for Windows operating system. These steps can be executed for all modern Windows operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows Server series.

Create New Folder on Desktop with Keyboard Shortcut

Windows is very popular with its keyboard shortcuts. The CTRL+SHFT+N keyboard shortcut can be used to create a new folder on the Desktop. These keys should be pressed at the same time. These keys should be pressed on the Desktop.

Alternatively the Desktop can be opened by using the File Explorer like below. And the CTRL+SHFT+N keyboard shortcut can be pressed.

Create New Folder on Desktop with Right Click

Another way to create a new folder on Desktop is using the mouse where right-click opens a context menu and select the new and then click to the Folder like below.

Create New Folder on Desktop with Right Click

Alternatively the File Manager and mouse right-click can be used like below where the New and Folder is selected from the mouse right-click context menu.

Create New Folder on Desktop with Right Click

Create New Folder on Desktop with MS-DOS Commandline Interface

The command line interface or MS-DOS or cmd.exe can be used to create new folder on the current user Desktop.

  • Click to the Start Menu and then type cmd .
  • The Command Prompt or MS-DOS is listed and click to it.
  • In the command line interface navigate to the user desktop

For the user named ismail the Desktop can be navigated with the following command.

cd C:\Users\ismail\Desktop

Now the mkdir command can be used to create new folder with the name of NewFolder .

mkdir NewFolder

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