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How To Open Windows Run Command Box?

The Windows Run command box is used to run commands, binaries, and open windows settings in a quick and practical way. The Windows Run can be used to open registry editor, control panel, MS-DOS, PowerShell, Group policy editor, etc. But how can we open the Windows Run. In this tutorial, we provide different ways like a keyboard shortcut, menu, etc. to open Windows Run.

Open Windows Run with Keyboard Shortcut

The most simple, fast and easy way to open Windows Run is using keyboard shortcut. The WIN+R keyboard shortcut is used to open Windows Run. The R character is derived from the keyword Run .

Windows Run

Open Windows Run Start Menu

The Start Menu can be used to open Windows Run. Just click to the Start Menu icon and type run which lists the Run application like below.

Open Windows Run Start Menu

Open Windows Run with Windows System Tools

The Windows System Tools is a menu in the Start Menu Program Files. The Windows Run shortcut is providede by the Windows System Tools.

Open Windows Run with Power User Menu

The Power User Menu is used to provide easy access to the administrative tools. The Windows Run can be also provided with the Power User Menu. The Power User Menu can be opened by right clicking to the Start Menu which will show the following menu. This Power User Menu provides shortcut for the Windows Run.

Open Windows Run with Power User Menu

Open Windows Run with MS-DOS Command Prompt

The MS-DOS command line interface or cmd.exe can be used to open Windows Run. The following explorer.exe command can be used to open Windows Run via MS-DOS command line interface.

explorer.exe Shell:::{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0}

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