How To Run PowerShell As Administrator?

PowerShell is the latest command-line interface for the Windows operating systems. PowerShell is the successor to the MS-DOS which provides the ability to run different commands as regular users or administrators. The PowerShell is opened by default with the current user permissions. If the current user is a regular user the PowerShell is opened with normal user permissions. If we need to run an Administrator command we should open the PowerShell as Administrator. In this tutorial, we examine how to open PowerShell as an Administrator by using different methods.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Start Menu

The most popular and easiest way to run PowerShell as an Administrator is using the Start Menu . Just open the start menu and type powershell which lists the PowerShell with different options. The Run as Administrator is listed in the left pane of the Windows PowerShell like below.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Start Menu

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Start Menu Search Bar

Another way to open PowerShell as Administrator in Start Menu is using the Menu Search Bar . When the powershell is typed the Windows PowerShell is listed in the search bar. Right-click on this PowerShell which opens the context menu. Click to the Run as administrator which opens the PowerShell as Administrator.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Start Menu Search Bar

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using PowerUser (WinX) Menu

PowerShell can be opened via the Power User or WinX menu as Administrator. This menu provides easy shortcuts to the popular tools for power users in Windows. Just right-click on the Start Menu which opens the Power User Menu. Click to the Windows PowerShell(Admin) to open PowerShell as Administrator like below.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using PowerUser (WinX) Menu

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Windows Run

Windows Run can be used to run different commands. The Windows Run can be used to start the PowerShell with the Administrator privileges. First, we open the Windows run using the following keyboard shortcut.


Then we type powershell into the Windows Run like below.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Windows Run

In order to run the specified powershell command with the Administrator privileges use the CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER like below.


Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Task Manager

The Task Manager can be used to open PowerShell as Administrator. First, click on the File menu and select Run new task like below. This opens the Windows Run which is a little bit different than the regular one.

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using Task Manager

Type the powershell command line below. Select the Create this task with administrative privileges checkbox and click to the OK .

Run PowerShell As Administrator Using PowerShell

PowerShell can be also used to run PowerShell as an administrator. The Start-Process command can be used to run a new process. The -Verb runAs option is provided to start a new PowerShell with Run Ad selection which can be used to run as Administrator.

PS> Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs

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