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How To Use Sysprep To Create Deployment In Windows?

The sysprep is a tool used to create system deployments in order to make deployments automatically in Windows operating systems. The sysprep is a very popular tool amongst the Windows system administrators and very easy to use. Simply the sysprep creates a template for system build and this is customized according to the needs of different cases.

Navigate To Sysprep Directory

The Sysprep files are located under the C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep where the sysprep.exe or command is located. The MS-DOS command-line interface should be opened with Administrator rights via the start menu like below as sysprep requires Administrator rights.

Now we can navigate to the “C:\Windows\System32\sysprep” using the cd command like below.

> cd "C:\Windows\System32\sysprep"

Display Sysprep Help

The sysprep command provides very few options where this option can be displayed with the /? help option like below.

> sysprep /?
sysprep Help Options

Use Sysprep via GUI

The sysprep can be used via a command-line interface or via GUI. The GUI provides easier usage. so we run the sysprep command in the command-line interface like below which pop-ups the GUI like below.

> sysprep

The System Preparation Tool 3.14 is like below. We should the System Cleanup Action . The system cleanup action is executed when the system is rebooted. Enter System Out-of-box Experience (OOBE) is used to prepare the system by cleaning up caches and making the system like powering for the first time. Enter System Audit Mode starts the system with Local Administrator privileges. Generalize option is used to create SID and it is a requirement when deploying master images.

When the Sysprep starts we see the following dialog box.

The system restarts for the sysprep operation and first the region is selected with the following screen.ç

After selecting the region the keyboard layout is selected like below.

In the following screen Windows License Agreement is accepted.

The next step is setting up the setup Personal Use and Organizational Use .

In this step we setup the user name.

Create memorable password.

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