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Tag: get-wmiobject

  • Get Service Memory Usage In PowerShell

    Get Service Memory Usage In PowerShell

    Services are used to complete to provide services for different tasks. Like regular or user processes the services also process those that use CPU and memory. As the services generally run longer than a process they use memory and may require more memory which is not released over time even if there is no need […]

  • Get Service Startup Type Using PowerShell

    Get Service Startup Type Using PowerShell

    Windows services may transition into different statusses in runtime. But when the system is restarted they have Service Startup Type that is used to set if the service will be started automtically or not after the Windows start. We can use different commands to get service startup type using the PowerShell command line interface. Windows […]

  • Get Serial Number via CMD (Command Line Interface) In Windows

    Get Serial Number via CMD (Command Line Interface) In Windows

    Serial Numbers are used to identify the computers, hardware, or similar devices uniquely. Every computer has a unique serial number which is used to identify computers. Serial numbers can be learned in different ways like reading the label under the computer or looking at the BIOS serial number screen. There is also an alternative way […]