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How To Shutdown Windows via Command-line Interface (CMD)?

How To Shutdown Windows via Command-line Interface (CMD)?

Windows computers can be shut down via the command-line interface. This command-line interface can be the old friend MS-DOS (cmd.exe) or PowerShell. The shutdown command can be used to shut down local and remote computers. Shutdown Windows Windows provides the shutdown command in order to shutdown the computer via the command-line interface. The /s parameter … Read more

How To Restart/Reboot Windows via Command Line (cmd.exe)?

How To Restart/Reboot Windows via Command Line (cmd.exe)?

Windows can be restarted or rebooted by using the command line without the need for any GUI and related tool. The shutdown and Restart-Computer commands can be used to restart windows systems via MS-DOS or PowerShell command line. Restart/Reboot Windows with shutdown Command The shutdown command is a command-line tool that can be used in … Read more

How To Reboot/Restart Windows 10?

How To Reboot/Restart Windows 10?

Windows provides different ways to reboot the system. The reboot simply means booting the already running system again. In this tutorial, we will show how to boot from GUI, MS-DOS, and PowerShell command-line interfaces with different commands. Reboot/Restart Windows via Start Menu The Start menu provides the most popular and practical way to restart a … Read more