PowerShell Invoke-Sqlcmd Command Tutorial

PowerShell provides the Invoke-Sqlcm command in order to connect run and SQL queries in SQL database servers. We can use the Invoke-Sqlcmd command in a different way by providing credentials or providing a connection string. Also, we can run SQL queries directly or provide the SQL using an SQL file. Run SQL Command We can … Read more

Run SQL Query In PowerShell

PowerShell is a very talented command line that also provides the ability to connect and query SQL servers. We can use the Invoke-Sqlcmd command in order to query SQL servers. The Invoke-Sqlcmd command provides lots of features like a query from a file, passing the variables to the query, etc. Run SQL Query We can … Read more

PowerShell SQL Server Tutorial

PowerShell provides the SQLServer module in order to work with the SQL Database server or Microsoft SQL Database Server. There is also the SQLPS module that is used to manage SQL server configuration. SQLServer Module The SQLServer module is mainly used to connect and consume the SQL server via the PowerShell command line interface. The … Read more