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Enable and Disable Local Echo In Putty

PuTTY is a Windows and Linux tool used to connect Serial and SSH services. As a Serial line tool, it provides different options for the connection. The serial connection provides configuration like baud rate, number of data bits, stop bits, parity flow control, etc. By default, the pressed key is sent to the serial line without printing it into the PuTTY terminal. This configuration is named as Local Echo . The Local Echo configuration is used to echo provided input into the terminal or not.

Enable Local Echo

The PuTTY Local Echo configuration is located in the Terminal . After clicking the terminal the Line discipline options are displayed like below. The Force on configuration enables the local echo.

Enable Local Echo

Disable Local EchoDisable Local Echo

We can also disable the Local Echo easily via the same configuration page described above. Just put the Local echo configuration into the Force off like below.

Disable Local Echo

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