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How To Find IP Address On Windows?

IP Address is used to identify and address Windows systems in a network like LAN or the internet. Most Windows computers connected to a network have an IP address for communication and accessing each other’s services. In order to access different Windows systems, the IP address should be used and provided. There are different ways to find an IP address on Windows like command-line interface or GUI.

Find IP Address via Command Line Interface

The ipconfig command is simply used to manage IP addresses and network-related configurations. The ipconfig command is also used to list the current IP configuration. The ipconfig command can be executed via MS-DOS or PowerShell. The IPv4 Address shows every network adaptor or network interface IP address or IPv4 address.

Find IP Address via Command Line Interface

Find IP Address via Network Manager GUI

The IP address can be displayed via the Network Connections tool. Just type “network connections” in the Start menu like below and open it.

In the Network Connections screen decide on the network adaptor and right-click on the network interface. In the context menu click to the Status .

Network Connections

In the status, screen click to the Details button like below.

The Network Connection Details screen displays the IPv4 Address line which is the IP address of the Windows.

Network Connection Details

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