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How To Open Registry Editor (Regedit) In Windows?

How To Open Registry Editor (Regedit) In Windows?

The Registry Editor or Regedit is a tool used to change, add, delete registry values. Windows registry is used to configure different attributes of the Windows operating system. The registry editor can be opened in different ways like command-line interface, Start menu, etc. In this tutorial, we examine how to open registry editor for different … Read more



Windows operating systems use the Windows Registery as an hierarchical database to store low-level configuration and settings about operating system and applications. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER which is also expressed as HKCU registery hive is used to store configuration about the current user for the Windows operating system and applications. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) The HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) can … Read more

How To Change User Folder Name In Windows 10?

How To Change User Folder Name In Windows 10?

Windows 8 and Windows 10 users home path is located under the C:\Users with the user name. For example, the user İsmail Baydan has the C:\Users\İsmail Baydan user folder. This user folder can be changed later by using different methods. the most popular and stable way is using the registry editor where the user home … Read more