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Batch For Loop In MS-DOS Windows

Batch For Loop In MS-DOS Windows

Windows MS-DOS command-line interface provides different loop statements. These loop statements can be used in Batch operations. Batch operation is simply an interactive operation generally executed with a batch script at the specified intervals. In order to start the batch loop, Windows Scheduled Jobs can be used. Batch for loop can be used to iterate … Read more

“System error 5 has occurred” Error and Solution In Windows

"System error 5 has occurred" Error and Solution In Windows

The System error 5 has occurred error is a Windows-related error that is generally related to the unmet privileges for the specified command. Some commands or operations require Administrative privileges in order to complete successfully. If the Administrative privileges are not provided this “system error 5 has occurred” error displayed. “System error 5 has occurred” … Read more

PowerShell Start-Process Command – Run Executables

PowerShell Start-Process Command - Run Executables

The Start-Process is a PowerShell command used to start single or more processes in a controlled and managed way. By default, the started process inherits all current PowerShell environment. The Start-Process can execute or start an executable file, batch script, MS-DOS and PowerShell command even Java application. The Start-Process can be used to specify user … Read more

How to Create and Run Batch (BAT) File On Windows?

How to Create and Run Batch (BAT) File On Windows?

A batch file is a file that contains MS-DOS commands and when the batch files are clicked or called these commands are executed. Batch files are also called BAT files. Most operating systems like windows provide the ability to create and run batch files. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a batch … Read more