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PowerShell Start-Process Command – Run Executables

PowerShell Start-Process Command - Run Executables

The Start-Process is a PowerShell command used to start single or more processes in a controlled and managed way. By default, the started process inherits all current PowerShell environment. The Start-Process can execute or start an executable file, batch script, MS-DOS and PowerShell command even Java application. The Start-Process can be used to specify user … Read more

Windows Runas Command- Execute Programs with Different User Account

Windows Runas Command- Execute Programs with Different User Account

runas is a special command which is used to run or execute applications with different permissions and users. The application will be executed differently from the current user or login user. Runas first provided with the Windows Vista operating system and later adopted to all modern Windows operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows … Read more